Fastest news apps in the world!

Google Play Store

Fast and lightweight mobile news feed reader for your country major newspapers! Supported countries are USA, UK, Ireland, India, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and many more.

Choose, read and easily compare the most famous newspapers with your mobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. All the headlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.

Fast, simple and immediate mobile news feed reader for Linux News!
Choose and read the most famous Linux News blogs and sites with your mobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible.
If you want to stay up to date with what happens in the Linux, Unix and Open Source World and use as little time as possible, then this app is what you need!

Google Play Store
Alternative news
Google Play Store

Alternative News is a reader for non-mainstream news and unofficial sources. To find out what the government, newspapers, newscasts and mainstream media do not tell about politics, jobs, economics, finance, banking, currencies, economic crisis, immigrants, etc..
Alternative News is apolitical, independent and free and has no relations with any publisher or political party.

Choose and read the most famous Android News blogs and sites with your mobile in the fastest way possible.
If you want to stay up to date with what happens in the Android World, newest games and app, updates and reviews, latest stories and use as little time as possible, then this app is what you need!

Android News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other news reader apps, it will bring you directly to the news without wasting any time messing around with the user interface or news loading. The user interface is simple and immediate and its focus is on the news. Android News is the best app for the daily reader.

Google Play Store
Google Play Store

News from around you. Local city news. Local News will show what happens near your location or a chosen place.

This app aggregates all news from local newspapers based on your position or near a town of your choice. It’s the only tools that makes you aware of what happens around you.

If you’re a commuter, you can easily add both your home place and work place to the list of places and get all news related to both places.
If you’re an expat, you can easily keep in touch with your hometown events and local news!

Choose and read the most famous newspapers from the U.S. of America with your mobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. All the headlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.
If you want to stay up to date with what happens in the USA and use as little time as possible, then this app is what you need!

USA News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other excellent news readers, it will bring you directly to the news without wasting any time messing around with the user interface or news loading. USA News is the best app for the daily reader.

Google Play Store
Google Play Store

Fast, simple and immediate mobile news feed reader for Tech News!
Choose and read the most famous Tech News blogs and sites with your mobile in the fastest way possible.
If you want to stay up to date with what happens in the world of Technology, Hardware, smartphones, newest games and apps, updates and reviews, latest geek stories and use as little time as possible, then this app is what you need!

Tech News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other news reader apps, it will bring you directly to the news without wasting any time messing around with the user interface or news loading. The user interface is simple and immediate and its focus is on the news. Tech News is the best app for the daily reader.

Do you live or work in New York? If so, this app is for you!
Read and share local New York City headlines and news from the biggest newspapers easily and quickly from your mobile.
This app is the fastest mobile news reader for NYC!
Now you can customize the app by choosing your favorite newspapers and their order or disable them so that you don’t waste time reading newspapers you don’t like!

Google Play Store
Google Play Store

Do you live or work in Los Angeles? If so, this app is for you! All the major newspapers at a glance!
Read and share Los Angeles local news from the biggest newspapers easily and quickly from your mobile.
This app is the fastest mobile news reader for LosAngeles!